๐Ÿ’ Economics

We believe many of the issues popping up in play-to-earn economies are already solved problems in the traditional gaming world.

Our goal is to combine good game design, lessons from the leading web2 games, and whatโ€™s working from the top web3 games into delivering what we believe to be a long-term and sustainable economy for our game.

Our economic models rely on one fundamental assumption - our game needs to provide real value to our users - through gameplay. People need to enjoy our game - enough so that they would potentially even pay for things upgrades, skins, or other premium features - just like they would in normal games.

Core Loops

There are three classes of assets in the zkGarden Universe - all of these stored on-chain.

  1. Garden

  2. Resources

These three asset types all integrate into our core loops in different ways.

Last updated