Farming is the main industry in zkGarden.
Crops are a vital part of agriculture, and they are grown on farm plots, which can be found on Farm Garden. These plots can be either public or private, and players can grow crops on each Garden they visit. Each Garden takes a different share of the resources gathered, which contributes to the diversity of crops that can be grown.
If you own a Farm Garden, you will receive 100% of the rewards of the crops you grow. This is a significant advantage, as it means that you can reap the benefits of your hard work without having to share it with anyone else. Additionally, if you allow others to grow crops on your Garden as Sharecroppers, you will receive a share of the crops they grow. This is a great way to earn additional rewards while helping others to benefit from your Garden.
Overall, owning a Farm Garden is an excellent investment for anyone interested in agriculture. It allows you to grow crops and reap the benefits of your hard work, while also enabling you to help others and contribute to the growth of the agricultural community.
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